Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sept 28

I have not been able to write for a while because I hit a brick wall, literally, that is what it felt like.  I could not move, I could not talk, I could barely breathe, I thought I was really dieing.  Four days of that and on  day five I said to Dennis, take me to the emergency room.  My blood count was very very low and I had to get a blood transfusion.  It has been almost two weeks and I am now just starting to feel a little bit better, still real tired and can take a nap at a drop of the hat.  I am done with radiation, thank god,  it took forever to get the last two treatments in but I finally finished last Friday.  Now on Monday I start a new chemo.  This three different kinds and altogether will take about five hours to sit through.  I am not looking forward to that.  Then I will be off for three weeks and then get another one of these treatments if this one doesn't do to me what the last ones did.  Prayers are always welcome, thank you. 


  1. I'm sure you were very frightened by the way you felt before going to the ER. One bright note, your radiation is done! That's a big step forward. Good luck with the 5 hour treatments. Maybe napping or reading will help you get through that long, but necessary treatment. Of all the blogs and forum postings that I've read this week, you're the one who gets the biggest hug for what you're going through. It sounds super tough, but I also see that you are doing it! by ...
    Take care, and you have my prayers.

  2. I've been looking for a new post from you since the one above. I guess that means the 5 hours of chemo knocked you on your ass last Monday. Of course it did! What a miserable, lousy thing to have to go through, but you DID go through it for lots of reasons. AND you made it. You survived it. You probably are feeling worse because of it, but there will be a day when you feel better. I just know there will be better days ahead for you and your family. Please know you're being wished well... literally, "wished" well.
